2020 Ram Lambs from Old Slate Farm. High Quality rams from a pasture-raised NSIP flock of Katahdin sheep, with an emphasis on parasite resistance.


2020 Rams for Sale from Old Slate Farm

Since we are in the middle of lambing season, I thought I’d share some of the tricks we have learned and gleaned over the years to help facilitate a healthy and thriving lamb crop. Lots of this, we have learned the hard way, so this is the guide I wish I had a few years […]


Tips on Preparing for Lambing Season

(A post from our former site, updated and edited) When we first purchased our property, we needed to have a modern septic system installed, as the home sewer was still a brick cesspool (no, this isn’t just a term for something disgusting…it’s actually a thing), and it had failed. This left us with a large […]


The Sheep